Invented by Herman Miller in the 1960's, the cubicle has come a long way from the rigid structures that once dominated the office landscape. The many people-centric options available will help you create an inspiring workplace, with furniture that can be used and re-used in a multitude of configurations.
Herman Miller wrote the book on the open office, starting in the 1960's. The tradition of innovation continues today with their extensive product offering of human-centric workstations.
Knoll's versatile workstation line-up offers allows you to adjust the degree of enclosure, reconfigurability and technology density for your teams.
With an achievable price point and an attractive, streamlined appearance, OFGO's workstations and desks hit the mark.
With so many options to customize their workstations, Three H product line-up can accommodate virtually any design requirement.
Workspace48 offers a straightforward line of open plan workstations with a clean, contemporary look. Short leadtimes and attractive pricing make this a manufacturer to consider.